How to become more independent

Independence is a term that is frequently used in modern society, and for good reason. The more independent one is, the more opportunities one has in life. It is a form of freedom that is highly appealing to many people.

However, as often as the term is used, it is rarely explained. By definition, independence means being completely free from the influence of others.

Of course, absolute independence, by definition, is not possible.

So, let us continue to talk about the colloquial concept of independence, which primarily focuses on the freedom to make decisions about one’s finances, body, thoughts, emotions, and the place you live. This requires a great deal of effort and dedication, and often financial freedom, in particular, is difficult to achieve because it requires a source of income that is independent of companies and states.

For many of us, this absolute independence is unattainable. However, seeing it as an aspirational goal is worthwhile in many ways.


The Internal Path

Independence begins at a different point, at the level of attitude and mindset.

In life, there are many things over which we have no control, including many of the factors that determine the independence mentioned here. For example, financial markets can collapse, leaving all our savings worthless; we can get infected with a disease that requires a hospital stay; loved ones can pass away, leaving us heartbroken, and so on. The truth is, we have no control over many things in life. The two things we can most influence in life are our thoughts and our actions.

And here lies the essence of an independent life: realizing that happiness in life, the degree to which we enjoy life, does not depend on external factors. No matter what happens to us, it is within our power to choose our reaction to those external factors.

This is the primary independence needed in life because everything else stems from it. Life cannot be better than our perception of it. Therefore, this is the first step in creating an independent life.

There are various techniques to learn this, one of which is the philosophy of the Stoics. Since I have written about it in other articles (and will write more :)), I will omit the basic idea here. However, the tremendous impact that our inner attitude has on our lives should not be underestimated.

One might ask: If I cannot control anything in life anyway, why should I bother trying to improve my circumstances?

And that is not a trivial question. Why not just stop trying to improve oneself?

Well, it is in the nature of humans to pursue a goal in life in order to find meaning.

Many psychologists agree that in a utopian society, people would create chaos just to have something to do.

Human beings are goal-oriented creatures. Having a goal, living for something, gives life meaning.

As important as the core of independence is, it is not an excuse to stop striving for improvement in one’s life circumstances.

And that brings us to the next point.


The External Path

The right Direction

From the foundation of inner independence, one can now begin to build external independence.

To improve one’s life circumstances, one must first ask what needs to be improved. Simply wanting to improve something for the sake of improvement is like navigating with a city map of a different city.

So, what needs attention in your life? Your physical health? Your mental health? Your financial situation? Social contacts?

Here, one could ask, for example, in which areas one is happy or how dependent one is on others in those areas.

One tool that I would also like to introduce at this point is the Wheel of Life. It provides a good overview of how certain areas of life are currently going and reminds us of areas we may not have considered.

Often, in life, we are dissatisfied without being able to pinpoint the reasons. This tool can also be very helpful in such cases.

Maintaining a good balance in these areas is extremely important, based on my experience. Neglecting or excessively focusing on certain areas will affect other areas, which in turn will have an impact on the neglected areas (Plate Theory).

True independence only works when it is complete, meaning it is not neglected in any area. Naturally, there are times when certain areas require increased attention, such as when one is greatly needed in the family or when training for a specific competition requires it, but this should only be the exception and temporary.

For this reason, I cannot provide a specific guide in this article, as this aspect has a highly individual component.

However, often we already know very well in which areas we still need to work. Many people lack not the knowledge of what needs attention, but rather the approach to addressing it.

The right implementation

Once it is clear what needs to be changed and there is a willingness for change, practical implementation in the respective areas is necessary.

There is only one key factor here: discipline.

I will delve deeper into this topic in the future. However, it is certain that if there is a will to change things, it requires hard work and consistency to bring about those changes.

Not the most pleasant answer, but the true one.

However, there are techniques to make life a little easier.

Productivity techniques and time management techniques are particularly beneficial here.

I will also write more about them in the future, but based on my experience, there is no one technique that helps everyone.

Again, it is a highly individual question.

However, often, when asking the right questions, many of our own ideas emerge:

How do I want to spend my time?

How am I currently spending my time?

How can I use my time more effectively?

What will happen if I continue to spend my time as I do now?

What will change if I eliminate the one thing that takes up a lot of time and doesn’t contribute to my progress?

What distractions prevent me from making optimal use of my time, and how can I reduce them?

How much control do I have over my time?

What can I do to have more control over my time?


In this article, I have explained that independence is desirable in modern society because it opens up more opportunities in life. I have discussed how true independence begins with an inner attitude and mindset, where one has control over thoughts and actions. I have also mentioned the importance of striving for both internal and external independence, the latter through improving life circumstances in areas such as health, finances, and social contacts. Implementation requires discipline and hard work, while productivity techniques and time management can be helpful. By asking the right questions and consciously utilizing time, independence becomes an achievable goal.

Hope I could help. If you enjoyed the article or if you have any questions or comments please let me know down below.


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